Table of contents:
1. Skills for the green transformation.
2. Green jobs, green skills: definitions and implications for policy.
2.1 Green jobs.
2.2 Green skills.
3. Employment effects of greening the economy.
4. Future trends in green technology deployment and implications on skills.
5. Pre-requisites for effective skills development programs.
5.1 Policy specific.
5.2 Process specific.
5.2.1 Coordination.
5.2.2 Monitoring, evaluation, and adaptation.
5.2.3 Forecasting needs.
6. Conclusions and recommendations.
6.1 General guidelines for effective green skills development programs.
6.2 Specific guidelines for LKDF.
1. Skills for the green transformation.
2. Green jobs, green skills: definitions and implications for policy.
2.1 Green jobs.
2.2 Green skills.
3. Employment effects of greening the economy.
4. Future trends in green technology deployment and implications on skills.
5. Pre-requisites for effective skills development programs.
5.1 Policy specific.
5.2 Process specific.
5.2.1 Coordination.
5.2.2 Monitoring, evaluation, and adaptation.
5.2.3 Forecasting needs.
6. Conclusions and recommendations.
6.1 General guidelines for effective green skills development programs.
6.2 Specific guidelines for LKDF.